The best Reggio Emilia preschool in new mexico


Rhythm and Flow


Sample Daily Schedule

8:00-9:00    School day begins
Children and families gradually arrive at school. Children begin their day in their classrooms, playing with peers and teachers. Classroom teachers arrange their space and materials to create inspiring experiences for children.

9:00-10:00     Meeting and snack
Once everyone has arrived, each class gathers for a daily meeting. Meeting is a time to share ideas, build relationships, and set intentions. Children enjoy a nutritious, family-style snack provided by Pando.

10:00-11:00 Small Groups
Children are given the opportunity to participate in small group experiences throughout the school. Children visit the garden, the art studio, or enjoy a special experience in their home room.

11:00-12:00 Outside free play
Children run, jump, dig, and climb to their heart’s content.

12:00-12:30     Lunch
Children return to their classroom to eat lunch with their friends and teachers.

12:30 - 2:30 Rest time and free play
Students are ushered to either the napping room or the wakeful room, depending on their sleep needs. Children who nap are gently tucked into their sleeping spot with a blanket and lovey, and supported to rest as long as needed. Wakeful students enjoy a short rest period, an afternoon meeting, then ample time in free play.

2:30 - 3:00 Afternoon snack and 1st pick up
Children come together for a shared snack, then gather their possessions before dismissing to the front yard. Children enrolled until 3pm are picked up.

3:00 - 4:00 Extended Day and 2nd pick up
Children enrolled in our extended hours enjoy an even smaller group size and the opportunity to spend their last hour playing. All children are picked up by 4pm.